Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sims 4 Get To Work: Getting a Retail Store

In my last 2 games, I played an oriental family and experimented with the detective profession. And in this game, I've created a new household. This time I have an Indian household consisting of a family of 5.

Meet Govinda Moha who is the head of the family. He works as an astronaut and he is now an intern with Space Y. He is married to Sathia Moses who has a strong sense of business acumen and owns a retail store. They have 3 kids. Jonathan Moha is their teenage son. They also have another younger son Johnny Moses and a daughter, Jennifer Moses.

The purpose of creating this family is to check out the retail store function. But before I began, I wanted to test if it's possible for 2 married Sims to woohoo in the same bed (in the picture below). Well, it worked!!! In my previous games where I ran a legacy, it didn't so I guess it was a computer glitch.

And now for the retail store part. I thought that owning a retail store would be a sort of career but I was wrong. Actually it is possible to still have a job and own a retail shop at the same time but a Sim still needs to be at the store to manage things.

A store does not run on its own. The owner has to be there to open and close the store. To employ staff, one has to click on the cash register and select manage staff, The cash register is also a place to open and close the store, toggle the sale items and other things.

There will be a prompt to transfer funds from the household to the store and back to the household. Once the store is opened, people will come in to browse and chat. Sales can only be made if the picture of  a cart appears on top of the potential customer's head. Then click on the customer to select 'ring up customer'.

Staff has been to be told to ring up customers, engage customers, restock items and clean up the store. I don't know if there is a way to make them independent. Working at the store can be rather long hours. Sathia employed a staff called Gavin Richards and when he had worked for too many hours, he just went home on his own.

Sathia didn't go home until I made her. Otherwise, she simply slept there or cooked there. I'm wondering if it's possible to live in the store and not go home at all.

The picture above shows how her retail store looks like. There is a second story but there are nothing to browse up there.

And when she came home, I found that her kids had gone to the playground to hang out. See the picture below. I've not seen such a playground in my previous games.

In my next game, I will probably explore the retail shop further. I'm thinking of creating more kids in the next few families and maybe even add in some aliens for the fun of it. We'll see about that.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sims 4 Get To Work: A day in the life of a detective

My character Stanley Low has now gotten a job as a detective. At entry level, he started as a Cadet a the local police station. Look at how handsome he is in uniform here.

For a start, he had to first get a case assignment and assist a veteran detective with a crime scene investigation. This is Stanley using the computer to get his first case assignment.

Then after getting his assignment, he has to use a crime map (found in one of the rooms) to get to the crime scene. The crime scene was very confusing. Firstly, I didn't even know what crime or case he got. He just appeared in a house with so many police officers walking around and chatting. Stanley was very distracted. He was feeling dirty and wanted to use the bathroom there to shower. I had to lure him away to get him to interview the folks at the home first.
This is Stanley gathering evidence and collecting samples. He has to talk to the owners of the home to get a report of what happened. It looks like a robbery had taken place. Look at how comical the officers look sitting on the bed and chatting with the owners. This looks more like a party then a crime scene investigation. Stanley actually didn't know what to do but to copy what the other officers were doing. I guess that is what they mean by assisting a veteran detective? During the investigation, Stanley couldn't take it and actually took a shower in this home!!!!!! That was funny. 
After getting back to the police station, there were 2 things that he had to do. He had to use a computer to evaluate the evidence.

And then he had to use a chemical analyser to evaluate the evidence and track the suspect.  It turns out that the computer has found a possible description of this suspect based on the evidence. He had to go home after that because the work day had ended......
On day 2 of his training, he had to get into the community and build his reputation as a friendly protector or a harden authority figure. Plus he had to use his notebook to track and arrest a suspect. (from the earlier robbery I suppose) So he starts off by issuing an APB (All points bulletin). A suspect fitting the APB description has been spotted so he has to go on patrol and talk to the community to find out more.
After speaking to the community, it turns out that most people have seen this guy suspect somewhere based on his notebook description. He is male, has short sleeved shirt, is very active. Stanley has to be very careful on who he arrests and or this could lead to negative consequences. This is him talking to the community below.

So he finally arrests his suspect. Actually its pretty easy to spot a suspect. A potential suspect cannot be 'asked around' and can only be arrested unlike the other street goers.  This is Stanley taking the suspect's fingerprints.
This is Stanley searching the suspect's body. The suspect is not really under arrest yet because he is walking freely around but he seems obedient enough to stick around and not put up a resistance.


There were other chores such as talking to the chief officer but I haven't figured out who is the chief officer yet. Stanley didn't have time to complete the rest of the duties because he had only 1 hour left till work ends but all the same, he was promoted to officer before going home. Wow! That's only the second day of work. How cool!

Ok before I go, here is a glance the jail cells here. There is a restless prisoner inside on the right of the picture below. On the left, Stanley is busy chatting with his colleagues as his suspect is hanging around in the background.

Here is a mini scene taken at the police station.
I'm kind of tired of Stanley for now. I might create another character next week. Let's see how it goes. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Sims 4 Spa Retreat and Outdoor Retreat

This is my second Sims 4 blog that I'm starting. I have another blog titled 'The Sims Gossip Channel' where I've been maintaining a family legacy. So far it's been running for 4 generations and I have gotten sick of it for awhile because I want to spend some time exploring the other functions of the Sims 4. So I've started another game where I'm just purely creating characters to test out what my other Sims pack can do.

So far I've purchased the 'Sims 4 get to work', 'The Sims 4 Spa Retreat' and 'The Outdoor Retreat' pack. In my other blog, I've already explored the doctor and scientist profession so I want to try the other professions too.

And instead of just creating white characters, I've decided that I should make my new neighbourhood very multi-racial. So I've created a new family who lives at Oasis Springs, Agave Abode.

Meet Stanley Low and his room mate Ivy Low. They both have a daughter Gillian Low. I had forgotten to select the relationship as spouse so they ended up as room mates. I couldn't change that so I'm stuck with this unmarried couple type of family.

Before getting them jobs, I got them to explore the spa and go on vacation together.  This is Stanley working out at the treadmill in the spa. He's an athlete and he loves working out.

This is Stanley practicing his yoga poses. After practicing for a while, he now can meditate, give massage and do various yoga poses.


Ivy Low loves to cook. But when I wasn't looking, she had an accident and the stove caught fire. Luckily they had put out the fire in time. This is Ivy looking rather angry, covered in soot as she eats her lunch.
Stanley and Ivy decide to go on a vacation retreat at the Granite Falls. This is them cloud gazing outside their lodge.

The lodges at the vacation retreat are quite nice. They look like expensive houses and you have to pay according to the number of days that you choose to stay. This is Stanley and Ivy having a meal together at the lodge.
This is the second floor of the lodge.

They decide to cloud gaze from their home when they get back.

Stanley here is back at the spa having a fizzy drink. I didn't know you could have a drink there until I saw Ivy grab a glass.

And this is Ivy working out on the treadmill while Stanley is pushing his limits on the weights machine.

Watch Stanley do a yoga routine here.
And below is a footage of Stanley getting a massage. It looks very cute! Very amazing huh!
Ok, so that's about it. In the next blog, I will get Stanley a job as a detective.