Meet Govinda Moha who is the head of the family. He works as an astronaut and he is now an intern with Space Y. He is married to Sathia Moses who has a strong sense of business acumen and owns a retail store. They have 3 kids. Jonathan Moha is their teenage son. They also have another younger son Johnny Moses and a daughter, Jennifer Moses.
The purpose of creating this family is to check out the retail store function. But before I began, I wanted to test if it's possible for 2 married Sims to woohoo in the same bed (in the picture below). Well, it worked!!! In my previous games where I ran a legacy, it didn't so I guess it was a computer glitch.
And now for the retail store part. I thought that owning a retail store would be a sort of career but I was wrong. Actually it is possible to still have a job and own a retail shop at the same time but a Sim still needs to be at the store to manage things.
A store does not run on its own. The owner has to be there to open and close the store. To employ staff, one has to click on the cash register and select manage staff, The cash register is also a place to open and close the store, toggle the sale items and other things.
There will be a prompt to transfer funds from the household to the store and back to the household. Once the store is opened, people will come in to browse and chat. Sales can only be made if the picture of a cart appears on top of the potential customer's head. Then click on the customer to select 'ring up customer'.
Staff has been to be told to ring up customers, engage customers, restock items and clean up the store. I don't know if there is a way to make them independent. Working at the store can be rather long hours. Sathia employed a staff called Gavin Richards and when he had worked for too many hours, he just went home on his own.
Sathia didn't go home until I made her. Otherwise, she simply slept there or cooked there. I'm wondering if it's possible to live in the store and not go home at all.
The picture above shows how her retail store looks like. There is a second story but there are nothing to browse up there.
And when she came home, I found that her kids had gone to the playground to hang out. See the picture below. I've not seen such a playground in my previous games.
In my next game, I will probably explore the retail shop further. I'm thinking of creating more kids in the next few families and maybe even add in some aliens for the fun of it. We'll see about that.